Monday, June 20, 2011

Lessons Learned in 40 Miles

I've been on two rides since my last post, and I'm nearing the 50 mile mark!  Go me!  I took another brief hiatus from riding due to a serious bout of food poisoning last weekend.   After three days back on solid foods, I decided that I'd get back on the bike today!  It was tough, but I managed to make it through my normal 10.5 mile route, plus an extra .5 mile due to some little detours.  Tonight was my first weekday ride, which was a bit of a change for me - lots more people on the bike path, more cars on the street, and me being tired from a busy day of lawyering.   Nevertheless, I persevered.   Jared came out for the first few miles and cheered me on.  He had to go back home for a conference call, but I really wanted to come home and tell him I did my whole route . . . and I did!

I thought I'd take some time to reflect on some of the lessons I've learned in my first 40 miles.

  • Biking with Jared is more fun than biking without Jared!
  • Biking alone is pretty fun too!
  • My bike needs a bath . . .
  • Slight gradual declines are my favorite biking surface!
  • Padded bike shorts have really saved my tush!
  • It's easier to stop when you use the breaks while you put your feet down.
  • Balancing a shopping bag full of Thai food on my left handlebar makes me feel like those acrobats riding their bikes on the tight rope!
  • Little toddlers on the bikes with no pedals are the cutest things ever!
  • Nobody listens to my bell . . . :(
  • Regardless of how many bugs I swallow along the way, I'm always hungry after 10.5 miles.
  • Pedestrians, cyclists, rollerbladers, and cars all ignore the rules at times.
  • Two out of three large grey-haired women over 65 will leave me in the dust.
  • Riding home from Trader Joe's with a giant back pack full of groceries is not a nice way to treat your shoulders.
  • I need to step up my weekly mileage!
  • My legs are strong!

I'm going to be away this weekend, but I'm committed to getting to 50 miles by the end of the month.  That means, more weekday riding.

Do you think I can do it?  Your donations will definitely help!
Donate to Jared's PMC ride here! 

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